
Published: Published by ben@wbc.co.uk BigCommerce on 30th Oct 2023

UK Food And Drink
Marketing Calendar - 2023


Looking for creative ways to keep customers more engaged? How about a few fun ways to plan your marketing sales and promotions throughout the year?

We’ve put together a comprehensive 2023 UK Food And Drink Marketing Calendar UK. It’s a fabulous resource for developing menu ideas, special offers and promotions for your online or mail order offering.

New days are added every year and keeping track of them can be tricky. Especially when there’s no single one UK only version. So here you go, we’ll add more as we come across them.


1st April Fools Day
4th International Carrot Day
7th World Health Day
7th Good Friday
9th Easter Sunday
10th Easter Monday
21- 22th Eid al Fitr
23rd St George’s Day
23rd - 30th British Beef Week
26th Stop Food Waste Day


13th Hummus Day
6th World FairTrade Day
14th Mother's Day
15th - 17th London Wine Fair
15th - 21st National Vegetarian Week
21st - 27th Sandwich Week
20th World Whisky Day
29th - 4th National BBQ Week


2nd Small Business Saturday
7 - 15th Hanukkah
25th Christmas Day
31st New Year's Eve